New Romanian drone regulation raises questions among users

The Romanian Ministry of Transport issued an order to establish the using of drones in the country.
The Ministerial Order No 8 about “the operating conditions in the national airspace of the unmanned powered civil aircrafts” appeared in the The Official Journal of Romania on Tuesday (21 January), will take effect in 30 days and will be applied until 30 January 2016.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are known most for military purposes, but come in variety of shapes, sizes, configurations, and characteristics and are using in a small but growing number of civil applications.
According to the official reasoning, until 2016 the European Union will elaborate the regulations for drones bigger than 150 kilograms, while those under this weight remain subject to national regulations.
From now on, drones between 1 and 150 kilograms and over would have to be registered and insured in order to be used in Romania.
The law does not apply to drones with weight under 1 kilogram, unless they have equipment for filming and data transmission. However, they should be operated without exceeding the field of view of the person who controls it.
Anyhow, the order does not specify any sanctions.
Critics of the new order say that the government wants to stop this way aerial shooting of important investments as in the past years several sections of highway under construction were filmed and posted to the internet.
Drones become popular amongst amateur filmmakers, who upload their shootings on community websites like (translating “I droned you”).
Some of the companies specialized on aerial filming also switched to drones because of the lower costs.
The biggest Romanian mobile provider is selling a quadricopter which can be controlled by smart phone or tablet and is capable of taking HD still shots and 720p HD videos at the price of € 369 Euro.
Valentin V. is making aerial photos of Timişoara, the third biggest Romanian city, since May 2013.
It all started from his passion for gadgets and photography and the desire to have a radio-controlled aircraft. After some research on the Internet, he found the perfect combination and bought his first drone.
A month later, when he got used to the technology and was amazed by the results, the 34 years old started the Eye in the Sky project on the dedicated website.   
“Overall, a law on UAVs is welcome, as they have become and continue to become more affordable and more efficient, and those piloting them should be somehow forced to be more responsible, because they could represent a danger to persons, animals or property” he said.
His creations become popular of Facebook and were featured in several local publications.
“I’m interested in the first place in how easy it will be for me, as the citizen with an “eye in the sky” to submit a request, what is the maximum area and allocation period, because I don’t want to submit such requests every day or week” he concludes.

Watch here a retrospective of the best images filmed in Timişoara on the Eye in the Sky project: 
