Romanian city lights up town hall under Ukraine flag colors to express solidarity

The Administrative Palace of the Romanian Western city of Arad was illuminated on Monday night in the colors of the Ukrainian flag (blue and yellow) as a sign of solidarity with the struggle for freedom and democracy of the neighboring country, and as a tribute to the citizens who gave their lives for these ideals.
“The people of Arad know how high the price of liberty is. The boldness and clarity of the tens of thousands of Ukrainians who fought for freedom and dignity deserves not only admiration but also our gratitude. They reminded us how important and, at the same time, how fragile democratic ideals are” Arad mayor Gheorghe Falcă said.
In December 1989, Arad was the second city where people gathered to demonstrate against the communist regime and the dictatorship of Nicolae Ceauşescu.
Arad was later declared “martyr city”, 19 people died in the city during the uprising, including the only foreign victim of the Romanian Revolution, Tóth Sándor, a Hungarian citizen who came to the city with supplies from the Red Cross.
The Administrative Palace of Arad is a historical monument and has white ornamental lighting.
