A Romanian potter who wants
to remind people the real meaning of Easter started to remake Jesus Christ’s
sufferance while carrying the cross on his way to his crucifixion.
Dan Leş has been playing the role of Christ for 11 years, helped by other costumed actors and involving the people who are participating to the event called “The Way of the Cross”.
The initiative started in 2004 in Baia Mare, where one of the three organizing associations is active. Every year they select a number of Romanian cities where they present their event.
The actors have different religious background to demonstrate that “they are no borders in Christianity”. Organizers say the procession is very realistic in order to represent the events we celebrate each year on Easter.
This year, “The Way of the Cross” will arrive in seven cities during the Holy Week preceding Easter, including:
-Constanţa (on Monday,
April 14, starting at 18:00 in Parc Gară)
- Bucureşti (Tuesday, April 15, at 18:00 in the OldCenter – Lipscani)
-Brăila (Wednesday, April
16, 14:00 – Club Progresul)
-Galaţi (Wednesday, April
1618:00, Inelul de Rocadă)
-Braşov (Thursday, April
17, 17:00, Sică Alexandrescu Theater)
-Arad (Friday, April
18, 18:00, Casa Sindicatelor).
Dan Leş has been playing the role of Christ for 11 years, helped by other costumed actors and involving the people who are participating to the event called “The Way of the Cross”.
The initiative started in 2004 in Baia Mare, where one of the three organizing associations is active. Every year they select a number of Romanian cities where they present their event.
The actors have different religious background to demonstrate that “they are no borders in Christianity”. Organizers say the procession is very realistic in order to represent the events we celebrate each year on Easter.
This year, “The Way of the Cross” will arrive in seven cities during the Holy Week preceding Easter, including:
- Bucureşti (Tuesday, April 15, at 18:00 in the OldCenter – Lipscani)
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